Our Team

Employees and volunteers who help us make a difference every day!

Our Team

Employees and volunteers who help us make a difference every day!

Teamwork without boundaries

The large family of Casa do Menor is mainly divided between Brazil, where it has been operating for 30 years and where it has created all the structures that exist today (e.g. houses for reception, community support programmes, etc.) and Italy, the land of its founder, Padre Renato Chiera.

Over the years, the structure has grown and in 2002 Casa Do Menor France was founded, which provides important support to Casa do Menor in Fortaleza through the organisation of events and actions in its territory.

There are also important support groups in Europe (Germany – Munich – Switzerland).

Padre Renato Chiera

Padre Renato Chiera, originally from Villanova Mondovì, in the province of Cuneo, is founder and honorary president of Casa do Menor. In 1986, after several years as a priest in the parish of Miguel Couto, Father Renato decided to lean over the wounds of the many unloved children and adolescents on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro and respond to their cry for help, thus founding the organisation that recently celebrated its 33rd anniversary.



Donatella Martini

Executive Director

Matteo Ghiglione

Project Manager
Casa do Menor Italia consists of the following statutory bodies: Presidency, Secretariat, Treasury, Board of Directors, Members’ Assembly.

The Members’ Assembly has the widest deliberative powers. It meets at least once a year to approve the final balance sheet, appoints the Association’s bodies, decides on all matters submitted by the Board of Directors, and outlines the general guidelines for the Association’s activities.


The Association is administered by the Board of Directors, which is composed of a minimum of three and a maximum of twenty people, at the discretion of the Assembly.


All members of the Board of Directors hold office for three years and may be re-elected. The Executive Board decides on applications for membership, administers the assets, directs and manages the Association, and decides on the activities to be carried out and the programmes to be implemented.

The Board of Directors prepares the Association’s balance sheet annually for approval by the Assembly.

President of Casa do Menor Italia: Ing. Andrea Battaglia
Vice-president of Casa do Menor Italia: Padre Renato Chiera



Padre Renato Chiera

Founder of Casa do Menor Brasile

Lucila Ines Cardoso da Silva

President Casa do Menor Brasil



Salette Viana Le Cornet


Carla Volpi Lantieri


Maria Ferreira

Managing Director

Christina Renzetti


Casa do Menor France is an important link with institutional donors and French organisations.

The action is focused on fundraising for Casa do Menor Fortaleza through the organisation of events (dinners, shows) and markets for the sale of Brazilian handicrafts or objects produced in France by volunteers, members or supporters of the association.