A dream came true:

In 2022 we finally opened our doors to Guinea Bissau

The first steps of Casa do Menor in Guinea Bissau

Years ago we wrote that Africa was calling us, and on 12 November two of our missionaries, Celina and Marco, left to make Casa Do Menor’s dream come true and support with our presence the serious situations of poverty, exploitation and abandonment that are also very common in Africa.

La Guinea Bissau non è stata scelta da noi, ma è frutto di una richiesta di collaborazione da parte del compianto vescovo brasiliano Dom Pedro Zilli in Guinea Bissau, che ha calorosamente invitato e accolto i fondatori di Casa Do Menor, P. Renato e Lucinha, a visitare e scoprire la diocesi di Bafatà, un’area periferica e molto disagiata del piccolo paese dell’Africa occidentale.

During the visit, Fr Renato and Lucinha were impressed by the human riches of the village and the great expectations that young people have for a new future.

The objective of Casa Do Menor is not to arrive with well-defined projects, but to listen deeply to the community and the local reality, to the needs that arise, working with the local people.

The small seed can become a tree that will welcome and support many people.

Our charism: to be a family to give family and opportunities to those who do not feel loved. Help us to make this seed grow so that it may bear much fruit!